Saturday, July 25, 2009

Ever since Luciano Pavarotti had passed away, we have wanted to visit his grave site. Unfortunately we could never find accurate information about it's location. Searching the net, we find that Pavarotti is buried at the Montale Rangone Cemetery, just outside Modena, Italy. Terrific!! Where is that???
This year, we found it and I'm happy to give you simple (I hope) directions:

Take the S-12 highway south from Modena, 10.5 km from the city limits.

The Montale Rangone Cemetery is actually an above ground cemetery located on the East side of the S-12, just north of the church.

The cemetery is closed on Mondays. Opens at 8:30 and, depending on the time of year, closes between 4:30 and 6:30 PM.

There is a guest book in the adjacent mausoleum cove.